On Wednesday 22nd March 2023, Mr. Sar Kinal, Vice President of YEAC was invited to deliver an impression remarks during the closing ceremony of the CJCC Accelerator Program (CJAP) at CJCC.

The Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia and CJCC have been long-term strategic and knowledge partners working collaboratively towards the shared goal which is to support entrepreneurs in Cambodia.

This partnership aligns with YEAC’s strategic direction to support SMEs to access to finance and market where we take pride in helping our members as well as SMEs in general to get all the supports they need to grow their businesses, create more jobs, and boost the Cambodian economy.

Mr. Kinal, on behalf of YEAC, expressed his sincere appreciation to the team at CJAP who successfully run the 5th cohort, and his congratulations to all the entrepreneurs who have completed the Program with fruitful achievement. YEAC looks forward to cherishing this partnership specially to continue to support this program in the upcoming cohorts.
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Email: secretariat@yeacambodia.org